No Somos ELO, Érica busca semear a transformação por todo o Brasil
Apaixonada pelo estudo e pela leitura, Bruna quer democratizar o acesso ao conhecimento para estudantes de todo o Brasil
Sensibilizada pelas pessoas com deficiência ao seu redor, Adhara cofundou o Projeto Keller para promover a inclusão dessa comunidade nos mais diversos espaços
Serafine holds a space for dialog to help young people to improve their well-being and find their life purpose.
Atha promotes energy saving through creative and educational campaign at schools.
Kezia is conserving the environment through fun and educational activities for young people.
Diah engages young people to conserve natural resources and tourism spots in Jambi.
Hugo is organizing Olympiad students to teach Mathematics and English for children in orphanages.
Shidqie encourages children to limit their screen time and to play outdoors for social, cognitive and physical development.
Adinda processes mangroves into non-caffeinated coffee beans to improve community health, economy, and environment.
Ade is improving literacy and confidence of the blind community through Braille Quran classes.
Kynan makes documentary films to share indigenous knowledge in preserving forests to the world.
Alya ensures meaningful youth participation in advocacy and decision-making processes on SDGs.
Bhre creates a trash-free community by collecting and recycling cigarette butts into crafts and paintings.
Devy holds passion classes and counseling sessions for street children to help them achieve their dreams.