شركاء أشوكا الوطن العربي
في أشوكا، نعلم أنه نظرًا لوجود تحديات إجتماعية عبرمختلف القطاعات وبالأخص التي يواجهها أصحاب المصلحة فنحن علينا أيضًا ايجاد حلول فعالة. هذا هو السبب في أننا ندخل في شراكات مع منظمات متنوعة ونعمل علي تشبيك زملائنا بشبكة أوسع من المبتكرين للمشاركة في خلق عالم أفضل.
من مكتب أشوكا الإقليمي في الوطن العربي وبالتحديد من مكتبنا بالقاهرة ،نطلق وننفذ شراكات محلية وإقليمية ، ونقوم أيضًا بتفعيل الشراكات العالمية مع المستوى المحلي
ينضم إلينا شركاؤنا في عدة مجالات رئيسية:
* تقديم الدعم المجاني وخدمات بناء القدرات لزملاء أشوكا العالم العربي.
* تمكين مراكز الابتكار الإقليمية لإنشاء نظام بيئي أكثر ملائمة لتوسيع نطاق التأثير الاجتماعي.
* ربط زملاء اشوكا بأقرانهم في المنطقة وحول العالم لتبادل المعرفة والتعاون.
All Ashoka Partners
Ashoka's partners work together to invest in the people and patterns of collaborative entrepreneurship that are necessary in an Everyone a Changemaker® world.
Our biggest donor to date, Al Waleed Philanthropies is a leading Saudi Arabian NGO with a mission to build the bridges necessary for cultural understanding, community development. Supporting Ashoka in electing new Fellows in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Morocco, they are also championing the movement to create a new generation of Changemakers and Social Entrepreneurs through the Innovation Factory programme in all 3 countries.
Established in 1987, Amreyah Cement became a member of InterCement Group in 2012. Their priority is the well-being of those they serve through a relentless focus on innovation and continuous improvement to build a sustainable future. AMCC has been an important Ashoka Arab World partner since 2021 and we continue to serve the Amreyah and Borg Al Arab communities, catering to their needs and together creating a Changemaking community in the area.
Deloitte & Touche (M.E.) is a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) and is the first Arab professional services firm established in the Middle East region with uninterrupted presence since 1926. AAW has been partnering with Deloitte's DASI (Deloitte Accelerator for Social Impact) since 2019 and has supported in promoting, selecting and mentoring young entrepreneurs in the region.
One of the largest automotive manufacturing companies in the world, GM aspires to be the world’s most inclusive company and is committed to helping create a clean, safe and equitable world for all. They are supporting Ashoka globally to support local economies and giving back to promote social progress in the communities where they work through the Youth Venturers programme.
Since 1995, Porticus has coordinated the philanthropic endeavours founded by the Brenninkmeijer family business owners, continuing a tradition of social engagement stretching back as far as 1841. Porticus in the Middle East has been supporting Ashoka Arab World since 2021 in engaging young people to become Changemakers in the region and helping to spread the WISE movement in the region and globally.
RISE Egypt is a global nonprofit that is leveraging its network of top experts, investors, and researchers to accelerate entrepreneurship for development in Egypt. Rise has partnered with Ashoka Arab World to map and expand the network of social entrepreneurs in Egypt to create connections and increase collaboration.
From its headquarters in Liechtenstein, the Hilti Foundation has championed Ashoka’s changemaking vision in the Arab region since our establishment in 2003. From the election of our first group of Fellows through recent initiatives to bolster and scale Fellows’ impact, the Hilti Foundation has stood as one of our central partners, witnessing with us the evolution of our work and growth of a powerful ecosystem of systems-changing individuals. With their partnership, Ashoka has been able to change the lives of millions of individuals through our Fellows and spark immense economic growth across the Arab region.