Help Ashoka Elect More Visionary Entrepreneurs
No one has as many experts on the ground in as many places as we do. Over the years, the generosity of many individuals like you has made so much of this possible.
With increasing challenges in areas like healthcare and climate change mitigation, Ashoka is at the forefront of finding and electing leading social entrepreneurs around the world who are tackling society’s biggest and toughest challenges.
When you donate to the Global Venture Fund, you are part of a far-reaching, impactful force like no other:
- 63% of Ashoka Fellows changed or influenced government policy
- 82% of Ashoka social entrepreneurs have had their innovations replicated in other geographies
- 89% of Fellows are putting young people in charge
- 88% of Ashoka social entrepreneurs encourage people to think differently
- 95% of Ashoka Fellows create opportunities for employment
Become a part of our Global Venture Fund community, by supporting us. Contribute to Ashoka finding and nurturing leading social entrepreneurs with new ideas before everyone is talking about it. If you would like to learn more please reach out to Fernanda Mijangos.
Use the form below to donate to the Global Venture Fund today!
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